Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Four Step to Repair Large Screen TV | Gomestic

Miracles in modern technology have converted the large screen console televisions into new light weight versions that can be hung on walls.  But there are still many who own the large 43 to 50 inch screen TVs that are large and bulky requiring a moving team just to reposition them in a room.  As long as they continue to function it is worth the trouble.  However, on a daily basis, these type of televisions can be found littering the roadways and garbage can areas.  Many of these sets are still functional but the owners do not recognize that fact.  There are four simple steps to follow to ascertain the functionality of a large screen television.

Posted via email from The World and MrDprince

I Believe in More Than a Dream | Socyberty

So many days have gone by since the immortal words were uttered by  Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in his famous speech, “I have a dream!”  We all recognize that a dream can be so fleeting sometimes to be lost in the wind leaving less than a memory behind.  While every year parades are held nationwide to celebrate the life of the Rev. King, the dream seems sometimes to be less potent than the original words.

Posted via email from The World and MrDprince

One Empty House | Socyberty

Do you ever drive down the street and happened to notice an older looking house and wonder what kind of people live there?  Are they good hard-working people trying to make a living?  Or since they live in a poor place do you just lump them into a group that you would just not have anything to do with?  I think that a lot of us, though we do not want to believe it, tend to navigate toward the latter actions.

Posted via email from The World and MrDprince

More and More Planets Found | Socyberty

There is a rule of thought that if there exists one, then there must exist another, and if there exists another then there must exist still another, and so on.  With this reasoning, scientists have always assumed that there would be thousands of planets in the universe.  It would seem that there does indeed exist other planets such as Earth and thus, there exists even more.

Posted via email from The World and MrDprince

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Save the Global Economy: Tame the World's Crazy Currency System - by David M. Smick | Foreign Policy

How to Save the Global Economy: Tame the World's Crazy Currency System - by David M. Smick | Foreign Policy:

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There may be no easy way to save the world economy. This article explains a little of the problems that exist. I am no expert, but even I can sense from world events that we are in a serious predicament that very likely can only get worse. It is a world, an economy and a society distorted to the max.

Mayan Prophecy: End or Change | Socyberty

At last we have arrived in the year 2012, and the well advertised year of “the end of the world” according to some and perhaps even the ancient Mayan Indians.  With all the hoopla in the mainstream media, particularly the cinema, it seems that half of the public believes the Mayan calendar prophecy and the other half do not.  No one will ever know the truth until it happens.

Posted via email from The World and MrDprince

Monday, February 13, 2012

Greeks pave way for Americans

Greeks are paving the way for Americans as they protest government policies that are hurting them.  Economic situations in America may find its citizens protesting in similar manner.  The "Occupy Movement" is only a small dose of what may soon be coming to America and its citizens.

A riot police officers tries to extinguish flames from a firebomb thrown by a protester outside the Greek parliament in Athens on Sunday.

George Stinney Jr: The Tragic Case of a Child Executed in the USA

George Stinney Jr: The Tragic Case of a Child Executed in the USA: "
Mrs Stinney: "My son didn't do this!"

Photo: George Stinney Jr"

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I ran across his article. It shows what can happen when a socially distorted world can turn into a social tragedy. When a child can be executed in America...well...words cannot tell the tragedy.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

sad message | RedGage

sad message | RedGage:

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It is things like this note being received in someone's email that distorts our social sense of right and wrong. People being in need is wrong...helping them is right. But unfortunately there are to many people running scams for us to be so trusting anymore. They have taken advantage of our innocence for too long. Now our hearts are not as open as they once were. That is the true sad message.

Mom | RedGage

Mom | RedGage:

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A true distortion of life is when good people must get old. My mother is 78 years old and has experienced her first heart attack. It is hard to accept that she is becoming elderly because I still see her as I have always seen her...beautiful.

VIDEO: UCLA Fan's Wedding Proposal Rejected

VIDEO: UCLA Fan's Wedding Proposal Rejected:

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Now this is a true distortion of a social practice that has become very prevalent in recent years. You really have to feel sorry for the poor guy. Wouldn't wanna be him.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dream Distorts Into Belief

So many days have gone by since the immortal words were uttered by  Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in his famous speech, "I have a dream!"  We all recognize that a dream can be so fleeting sometimes to be lost in the wind leaving less than a memory behind.  While every year parades are held nationwide to celebrate the life of the Rev. King, the dream seems sometimes to be less potent than the original words.

African-American community activists would argue with the devil himself that the dream of the Rev. King has not altered in any way.  To say that the dream has somehow lost its meaning over the years would be blasphemy.  Still, we have to consider the number of racial and prejudicial acts reported in the news each day.  We have to remember that although the law is considered to be on the side of right, public opinion and thought do not necessarily follow.

Today in the year 2012 man is still judged by the color of his skin all across the world.  The Native American Indian is still look down upon and can be found in some of the poorest areas of the nation, trying to survive in a country that should provide them with a promised land.  The African-American today finds himself not only disavowing his own kind but actually killing his own people.  Even the renowned white man, Caucasian, has lost much of his luster, involved in too many crooked and shady deals that now make him out to be nothing more than the Devils agent.

Well, I have a dream also.  My dream is a far cry from that of Rev. King but I believe it is shared among the populace.  I believe that children can live lives innocent and free from death, horror and crime.  I believe that we can all grow up in a world that allows us to be creative and productive as to afford us all the material gains we desire.  I believe that all men, women and children can lead a happy life among peers that share the same dreams, hopes and desires.  I believe we will know our differences and learn how to deal with each of them.  I believe that no one will go one day wanting for anything.  I believe that this thing called poverty will be eradicated from the face of this earth never to exist again.  I believe in the power of an individual to do good, to create good, to live good and to embody good.  I believe we will  ascend to the stars.

These things I believe, and so I wonder, what is the difference between my belief and the Rev. King's dream of a promised land.  Yes, a dream may be fleeting but a belief once instilled and embedded in an individual, and a race of people, can never have its strength lessened over time.  A true belief can never be lost like a whisper in the wind.  And, so I believe, and I continue to believe.

Sunday: A Day Distorted

Sunday morning has arrived and it is once again time to make that weekly trek to a place we call church.  Wearing our Sunday go to church meeting clothes, we make the trip to our local parish so that we may mingle with other parishioners while giving thanks and prayers to our Lord and Savior.  While there are millions who do this ritual on a weekly basis, without fail, there are sadly millions more that do not.  To these people Sunday is merely another day.

Deemed the seventh day of the week, Sunday has transformed itself from being the Sabbath, a day of worship and rest, into a highly commercialized day of wealth related activities.  As a way of resting many adults decide not to cook a breakfast meal opting instead for a meal from McDonald's.  Then there are those who travel miles to attend a professional football game to cheer the modern day gladiators on to success and victory.  For those who cannot afford such an endeavor, there is of course the home spun version of this activity in and around the boob tube.  Loaded down with food and snacks and a more than occasional beverage this has become a worldwide ritual perpetuated by American society.

Is there any wonder as to why American society has become so degraded and disillusioned?  Sometimes we forget, that on this day of Sabbath, there are thousands of men and women whose singular goal this day is to commit a crime, and many times it is a very violent crime.  On this day there are many who will take their final rest.  Pray that this is not the type of rest our Lord meant for us.  Many will go homeless to live a life of despair.  Many will go hungry but at least they will pray.

In a time where we find any semblance of religion being taken out of our government, our schools and our homes, is there truly any question as to why society seems to be in a downward spiral spinning out of control?  The year 2011 has marked a new event in the small town of Dickinson Texas, occurring on what was to be a day of worship and remembrance, Christmas day.  Christmas day is to be a day to celebrate the birth of Christ.  It has customarily meant that the large grocery stores were closed for business on this day.  It was customarily the only day that these stores would close their doors.  But, the year 2011 found the doors open for business as if nothing was different and nothing was special.

Spiritualism and religion are not necessarily linked to any single day of the week.  But Sunday has commonly been the day for such activities.  Even if there are many who do not believe in such things there was at least the respect afforded between the opposing philosophies.  Today there seems to exist no such respect.  Sunday is now lost among the other days of the week.  In a world of dire need of hope should we stray too far from tradition?  Perhaps it is time to respect the Sabbath even if there is little belief. It is not just another day.

5 Reasons Rats Are Way Scarier Than You Think |

5 Reasons Rats Are Way Scarier Than You Think |

What an interesting look at something we hate to think about. Hard to believe but may people live and sleep with these vermin in their homes.

Alien First Contact

Alien First Contact

This could be the greatest man made social distortion ever. Click on the link and see what you think.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Amazonian Distortion

When I speak of social distortions I generally think of events that happen in our society that are, shall we say, somehow wrong.  These events remind me of a square bearing being forced into a round hole.  Of all places to see a distortion, I could not believe that the Amazon forest would be such a place.

In past years Brazil has done a lot in the effort to protect the Amazon forest from deforestation.  In fact the government set aside some 150,000,000 acres to be conserved.  This would be near the size of the country of France.  So well have worked the efforts of the Brazilian government that the amount of a deforestation decreased by nearly 80% in the last six years alone.

Today there is a bill to overhaul the forest code, a 47-year-old piece of legislation, leading to a reversal of government policies with regard to environmental issues.  Most of the governmental changes leading to anti-environmental policies are occurring as a result of the newly elected president of 2010, Dilma Rouseff.  It appears that the government is becoming more relax about restrictions and licensing issues over environmental protection.  New and very large infrastructure projects are being proposed.  Some of the land previously set aside may now be used for projects.

The distortion is that the people of Brazil are becoming more and more sympathetic to environmental concerns and wish to protect the Amazon forest.  But the government they have elected is going in the opposite direction.  The distortion is that the government officials know full well this is the wrong course for them to follow.  And still, they continued to follow the wrong course.  This is a social distortion that will cost the people of Brazil and the world for eons to come.

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