Monday, May 19, 2014

What Would I do?

What Would I do?  

Earlier I wrote about a Mexican man who was gaining sanctuary in a local church. It made me think a little about his situation. What if it were me in his shoes? What would I do? What measures could I possibly employ to keep my family together?

These are the questions, see my thoughts on this by clicking the link above.

photo credit: puroticorico via photopin cc

The Church is Our Sanctuary

The Church is Our Sanctuary 

 It is good to know that when all else fails, we can turn to the Church for sanctuary, literally. A Presbyterian Church of Tuscon, Arizona is currently granting sanctuary to a Mexican man and his family.

When the laws of the land become so overriding of simply living a good life, then we must resort to the comfort of a higher set of more at the link above.

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