Monday, August 18, 2014

Take a Hard Look

This is a photo of the constantly updating list of children who die from hunger.  Take a good, hard look at it.  What if your child's name was on it?

Help change this by taking a little time to write.  Write about anything you want and post it at where you will earn for your views, comments, etcetera.  If you do not need the money then donate it to worthy causes that can help these children.

How much easier can it be?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Celebrity Causes Using Bubblews?

Celebrity Causes Using Bubblews? 

At a time when the world needs help in every corner of the globe, shouldn't we give celebrities, politicians and businessmen the opportunity to help?  It is not as difficult as one would think.  In fact it is as easy as our "ABC's".  Check out a simple idea at the post above.  If it seems feasible, then spread the word any way you can.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds You - Bubblews

Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds You - Bubblews

I finished reading a post by &AdrienneJenkins about a recent interview on Youtube with Arvind.  It was great to watch and feel a little more in touch with them.  They really are a small company doing a huge job.  We need to give them credit where credit is due.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Tribesmen Rise Up Against Islamic State Militants In Syria

Tribesmen Rise Up Against Islamic State Militants In Syria

It is, I think about time that the actual populace of the Middle Eastern countries currently in turmoil due to activist groups start to defend their lands.  Perhaps others will begin to see the need to end all the fighting by militants.

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