Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Music Has Died - News -

The Music Has Died - News

Sadly the last of the famed Von Trapp family has died.  She was part of the German Nazi occupation era.

Site of mass burning of 250 Polish and French slave laborers at Nazi camp near Leipzig on April 19, 1945, the day before the city was captured by 69th Inf. Div. First U.S. Army. The victims were herded into a building. A time bomb was exploded. Men who broke doors down to escape, were machine gunned by Nazi SS troops 
Date Created/Published: 1945 April 20. 

Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-101119 (b&w film copy neg.)

Source: U.S. Library of Congress

Why Do People Cheat

Let me ask you a simple question. Why do people cheat? Is it the thrill of the victory that is needed? Is it like an addiction where the need outweighs any other consideration?
I have always wondered about this. Trying to cheat on a school test was very difficult for me. I could lie, almost plagiarize and maybe even pilfer. But to cheat was different. It felt like breaking some holy rule that left me feeling like less of a person. I could cut corners, misrepresent and just downright make up things. But there I was, I could not cheat.

They say even thieves have honor, a code by which they follow. Was it personal honor that made do the best I could without cheating? Was it honor that said tome, "Come what may, do it on your own."

No man is perfect, Lord knows I am not. I guess cheating is just a lack of honor. I will try to hold on to that.

photo credit: El Bibliomata via photopin cc
Posted via Composer

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