Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Children Do Suffer

The children do suffer, do they not? Today she received a surprise parade in her honor. Some wonderful people here gave her a royal ride through her neighborhood. Along for the ride were Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. For today, this little girl was royalty decked out as a princess among princesses. Read more......

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A Sole Priest I Saw

I had an unusual incident the other day when I was shopping at the local Family Dollar store. While examining an item, I turned to my left side where I saw someone I had not seen in a very long time.
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A Wandering Priest -
photo credit: spbpda via photopin cc
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Rights, Man or God Given?

Rights, Man or God Given -

I saw this tweet by John Rich on a publication called Twitchy. He talks about not paying taxes and implies that poor should not complain about the rich since they provide them with jobs. Somehow he believes that there is no class system in America. read more....
photo credit: VinothChandar via photopin cc
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