Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Walmart Workers Killed a Man on Sunday

Walmart Workers Killed a Man on Sunday - Yahoo! News

The question has always been, "To be...or not to be."  Whether it is nobler to be right in the face of the law or whether it is nobler of the heart to allow an atrocity if it will save another man's life.  Yes, that is the question.

A Walmart employee, after chasing down a shoplifter that had walked out the door with two DVD players, held the local thief in a choke hold till police arrived.  The police then determined the perpetrator was dead at the scene.

Is this what society now deems to be the norm?  A man steals, why, because he cannot afford or just wants.  A man reacts per his job responsibilities but holds little regard for his victim because it is a question of right and wrong...and he is in the right.

A man killed by Walmart workers in the performance of their duties.  They should be proud of themselves...Lord knows I am not.  Maybe I will not think of Walmart the same way.  In my mind they already have a tainted image from other actions and policies...killing a man does not help my opinion.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Bestest boy Chico

Today is the birthday of my best friend Chico.  Chico was my dog, my pet, my friend and confidant, my inspiration, my escape from insanity, and most of all he was my bestest little boy.

Now you might not think that this has anything to do with social distortions, but I believe otherwise.  The distortion lies in how we perceive the animal kingdom.  We seem to accept the fact that they are mentally inferior to humans. We believe that they have no true means of understanding and communication.  But, maybe we were wrong all this time.  Maybe, it is us humans that are unable to rise to the occasion.  We seem unable to understand and animals actions and communication process.

When God gave us dominion over the animal kingdom, perhaps, it was only meant that we should lead them in this world  If we can only line to use and abuse animals then how can we ever learn to rise to the challenge of meeting new species and civilizations in the universe?  No, I believe we are down to a limited existence if we cannot humble ourselves to understand all creatures around us.

Below is a video of my little boy.  I hope you can understand how I feel.  This dog, animal and pet taught me so much about life.

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