Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rich versu Poor: A Quick Look

We see videos like this all the time....but do we really ever pay attention?  I think the time is far past to be waiting on others to solve our problems.  Social distortion?  You bet!  Social perversion?  I think so.  Does inaction fall into either of these categories?  Most definitely!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Angriest Baby in the World

The greatest distortion I know of in life is when a baby or child has to get this upset.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Just Another Thought

Will wonders never cease to exist?  Believe it or not, I have had a second thought today.  I keep wondering about the Mars rover named Curiosity.  What if it should have accidentally unearthed skeletal remains of a body?  This would obviously prove that life exists elsewhere.  But I wonder how it would affect the human psyche and what would that effect be on modern society on earth.  Would the nations of this planet come together as one world?  Would people find a way to solve their differences?  Or, would we be further taken into the madness and chaos of our present-day society?  Would the government bother to tell its citizens and that there is indeed life among the stars?  Or, would the government hide this information from the masses?  Would we strive to create new sciences and produce new ways to benefit mankind so that we might meet those who already live among the heavens?

There are so many questions...  So many questions.  The possibility of the choices that we might make in light of such a discovery scare me.  So much for the second thought of the day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Curiosity lands on Mars

<a href="">LinkedTube</a> The man made craft dubbed "Curiosity has landed on Mars safely and is already transmitting the first pictures of the red planet.  In some minds this is a distortion of what God would want for us.  For others it is a miracle in itself.

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