Sunday, December 30, 2012

Twitter / AP: BREAKING: Secretary of State ...

Twitter / AP: BREAKING: Secretary of State ...

I thought it must have been a bit more serious.  Here is hoping that this remarkable woman gets well soon.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

LA offers groceries for guns

LA offers groceries for guns in annual buyback

The Question of the Day is this:  "Why do all of these concerned citizens want to turn in these weapons.?  Who do they believe they are helping or protecting?"  Is this supposed to be because of the rampant violence in our country or is there another reason?

I like to believe in the goodness of my fellow man, but even I have to wonder about what has transpired.  Groceries for guns sound like a great idea.  So I have to still wonder, considering the price of guns, why would people give them up so willingly and in such numbers?  I am curious as to the original underlying reason for the purchase of these weapons.  Have situations changed so dramatically for so many people that weapons are no longer needed?  Or, have multitudes of criminals suddenly changed for the better?

Maybe the news media will offer some explanation in the near future.  As they say, "Anything is possible."

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Gun Contol or People control

I ran across this extremely interesting video related to the current gun control debates.  I would suggest that you watch.

American society has changed so drastically this past half century that we can no longer look past the possibilities, no...probabilities that this could, in some form, happen here.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Gun Discussion Continues

And, so the gun control discussion continues....

Oath of Anarchy

this isn't happiness™ Peteski

Sometimes even social distortions can have a fun side.  Check out this Oath of Anarchy .

Map: Where are the gun permits in your neighborhood? | The Journal News | |

Map: Where are the gun permits in your neighborhood? | The Journal News | |

There are many that would argue against information being gathered like this on gun permits in your neighborhood..  It i,s however, needed.  In fact, much of this is outdated.  But to be able to retrieve it through the Freedom of Information Act to publicize in a newspaper is totally unacceptable.  It is outrageous that everyday criminals can access this information to use in whatever nefarious manner they wish.  Terrorists would have field day with this kind of information

Gun permits are necessary and need to be tracked, but not by the open public.  Your neighborhood is not safe enough as it is by any stretch of the imagination.  Hopefully journalists can realize the folly of this course of endeavor.

Change for Homeless

The winds of time always bring with them a change.  Sometimes it is for the better, other times it is for the worse.  Nevertheless, change is inevitable.  Anchorage Alaska has been the sight of a recent social change that many would think improbable.

For years the Holy Catholic Church located in downtown Anchorage Alaska has helped the downtrodden and helpless by providing food, shelter and other amenities that would aid in their socially misbegotten lives. The pastor announced last month that they would no longer help the indigent because of safety concerns for parishioners.  It seems that the very people they are trying to help are just not trying to help themselves..

This is a turnaround in policy that may find itself copied in other areas leading to a socially distorted domino effect.  It is obvious that the concerns of the church must be dealt with properly.  But, when mankind begins to turn its back on their own, this can only lead to social chaos.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Gun Control discussions taken to the brink

Since the shootings at Newtown, Connecticutt there have been may discussions on gun control that have been taken to the brink.  The Hannity show is one good example shown in the video below.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

You have a friend request from the Ayatollah

You have a friend request from the Ayatollah | Fox News

You know, I gotta say, I thought I had seen just about everything related to social distortions.  But, today, I saw the above article on my twitter account.  Let me tell you, I am still not over the laughter that ensued.  I guess the Ayatollah just wants a little help from his friends, LOL!!

Anyway check out the story and let me know what you think....I can't wait.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Woman injured in sex romp given worker's comp

Business woman injured in sex romp gets worker's comp

It does not matter what a person was doing on their own time during a business trip, just so long as was not of an illegal nature.  However funny the incident may seem, being injured during a sex session can definitely hurt someone's psyche.  Kudos on the court

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jenni Rivera: Mexico search finds wreck of plane

So many musicians die in plane crashes. Jenni Rivera is the next fatality to be reported.  From my end of the hispanic community, my heartfelt wishes go out to her family and friends, "con amor."

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What are my rights?

There was nothing to this encounter and yet I was disturbed. Was it within the officers right to ask for my identification or were they overstepping their bounds? My feeling was that they had no right. If they had a warrant in their hands, then they should try to serve it with due process. Only if there is something evident that seems suspicious or false in nature, then should they ask for identification. ( continue reading )

Thursday, December 6, 2012

BBC News - Marijuana decriminalised in Washington state

Having once been a user in my younger and more foolish years, I can understand the joy that many people are experiencing today, with the announcement of legal marijuana in Washington State.  Nowadays, I recognize the inherent risks of marijuana use and the possible effects that legalization may bring.  But, a part of me is happy.

BBC News - US Congress passes 'Magnitsky' rule on Russia trade law

Finally a law that makes a little sense. But why not apply this principle to other countries that undoubtedly make human rights violations? A good first step. It will be curious as to the reaction from Russian officials and what the backlash may be.


Monday, December 3, 2012


When was the last time you saw an actual, bonafide, in working phone?  Living in the Houston - Galveston metroplex area for the major part of my life, I simply do not remember the last time I spied a pay phone.  I do remember the lines were cut and the money box broken.  Check out the photo link

Does the Universe Have a Purpose?

Does the Universe Have a Purpose? feat. Neil deGrasse Tyson - YouTube

Everyday I come across this question as it might relate to social distortions.   After listening to this video I have to wonder even more.  Taking the question another step, does man have any purpose?  I have to believe that he does, but that purpose, whatever it may be, is not necessarily written in stone.  I believe it is still an untold story.  I also believe that no matter what happens, whatever happens first is always a prelude to the next happening.  As long as there is one...then there is another.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Walmart Workers Killed a Man on Sunday

Walmart Workers Killed a Man on Sunday - Yahoo! News

The question has always been, "To be...or not to be."  Whether it is nobler to be right in the face of the law or whether it is nobler of the heart to allow an atrocity if it will save another man's life.  Yes, that is the question.

A Walmart employee, after chasing down a shoplifter that had walked out the door with two DVD players, held the local thief in a choke hold till police arrived.  The police then determined the perpetrator was dead at the scene.

Is this what society now deems to be the norm?  A man steals, why, because he cannot afford or just wants.  A man reacts per his job responsibilities but holds little regard for his victim because it is a question of right and wrong...and he is in the right.

A man killed by Walmart workers in the performance of their duties.  They should be proud of themselves...Lord knows I am not.  Maybe I will not think of Walmart the same way.  In my mind they already have a tainted image from other actions and policies...killing a man does not help my opinion.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Bestest boy Chico

Today is the birthday of my best friend Chico.  Chico was my dog, my pet, my friend and confidant, my inspiration, my escape from insanity, and most of all he was my bestest little boy.

Now you might not think that this has anything to do with social distortions, but I believe otherwise.  The distortion lies in how we perceive the animal kingdom.  We seem to accept the fact that they are mentally inferior to humans. We believe that they have no true means of understanding and communication.  But, maybe we were wrong all this time.  Maybe, it is us humans that are unable to rise to the occasion.  We seem unable to understand and animals actions and communication process.

When God gave us dominion over the animal kingdom, perhaps, it was only meant that we should lead them in this world  If we can only line to use and abuse animals then how can we ever learn to rise to the challenge of meeting new species and civilizations in the universe?  No, I believe we are down to a limited existence if we cannot humble ourselves to understand all creatures around us.

Below is a video of my little boy.  I hope you can understand how I feel.  This dog, animal and pet taught me so much about life.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mom admits she superglued child's hands

Mom admits she superglued child's hands

What can make a person act this way?  To be this disturbed is beyond the social norm.  We can condemn her but we must also pray for the healing of all involved.  Although I abhor what was done, I must realize that there is something terribly wrong with this woman to do such things.  Her actions were not rational in my lay opinion.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Malala Yousafzai, Teenage School Activist, Survives Taliban Attack -

Malala Yousafzai, Teenage School Activist, Survives Taliban Attack -

This is what the Taliban want us to believe is better?  These people kill their own children just so they can be kept in the dark ages. I have been watching for a long time now, and still, still I see no worthwhile or redeeming quality in the Taliban.  If I could utter the sheer disgust that my heart and mind holds for them, I would. There is simply no socially redeeming quality in the Taliban. To shoot a child, Malala Yousafzai, an innocent is beyond the realm of social perversion.  These so called Taliban have no true agenda aimed at helping their people.  They are simply vermin!  My heart goes out to the people who suffer as the result of the Taliban and other such groups who care nothing for humanity or human decency.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Chef David Viens convicted of killing, cooking wife

Here is a copy and link to a story that takes social distortions to a whole new level.  Thank God he did not decide to serve his wife at dinner for someone. 

Chef David Viens convicted of killing, cooking wife - Crimesider - CBS News

September 27, 2012 2:56 PM

Chef David Viens convicted of killing, cooking wife

Crimesider Staff
Daily Blotter
David Viens
/ Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
(CBS) LOS ANGELES - A jury has found chef David Viens guilty of murdering his wife after he told police he cooked her body for four days in boiling water to get rid of the evidence.
Pictures: Calif. chef accused of cooking his wife's corpse
The jury reached its verdict Thursday in the trial of 49-year-old David Viens.
Viens had pleaded not guilty to murdering his 39-year-old wife, Dawn, in late 2009. Her body has never been found.
In a recorded interrogation presented by prosecutors during the trial, Viens can be heard saying he cooked her body for four days.
The chef spoke to authorities from a hospital bed in March 2011 after leaping off an 80-foot cliff in Rancho Palos Verdes. Authorities say he jumped after learning he was a suspect in her disappearance.
Complete coverage of David Viens on Crimesider

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Egyptian President touches his private part on Live TV to impress Julia ...

Was he simply excited or are they really that large? to even address this is a social distortion on its own merits.

Controversy heats up over Pro-Israeli ad in Times Square - New York Post

Tel me if this is the act of a sane and rational person or does it lean in favor of a terroristic frame of mind?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jon Cryer Says Miley Cyrus ‘Brought It’ on ‘Two and a Half Men’

This is what society makes our young women want to grow up to be.  I am all for the beauty of the female body but leave the displaying to women who are old enough to make decisions for themselves.  Why does every child star have to advance their careers with sex?  It just does not seem right and definitely lacking in moral values.

Jon Cryer Says Miley Cyrus ‘Brought It’ on ‘Two and a Half Men’: Miley Cyrus is raising eyebrows with just-released photos from her upcoming “Two and a Half Men” stint. But backstage at the Emmy Awards Sunday, Jon Cryer said the former “Hannah Montana” star will be worth watching for more than shock value. Cyrus appears on the CBS...

NYC Adding 5 New Homeless Shelters - ABC News

 AND...Still the situation worsens for Americans in this economy.  New York doing some to help with these new homeless shelters. Kudos to them.

NYC Adding 5 New Homeless Shelters - ABC News

Slammed for Using Food Stamps: Ga. Woman Seeks Apology

What is it with people that have no compassion?  Get it Straight:  Not everybody has it good and there are a lot of good people who do what they have to to live a modest life of survival.   This just makes me sick!!!

Slammed for Using Food Stamps: Ga. Woman Seeks Apology: Is a $15 gift card enough to compensate for public humiliation at your local grocery store? According to one Georgia woman, the answer is absolutely not. Cindy Nerger, 28, who relies on food stamps to feed her family, said she was brought to tears after...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

UCLA Closes Program For Illegal Immigrants | Top Conservative Blogs

UCLA Closes Program For Illegal Immigrants | Top Conservative Blogs

My daddy once told me that if a person walks into a well lit room after having been in a completely darkened room, the first thing he notices is that the light shines on everyone in the room.  So, taking this a step further, why does America not take the same stance and let the light of freedom, hope and opportunity shine on everyone within its' borders and not just some?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Do You See?

A United States Ambassador to Libya was killed September 11, 2012 in an attack that was supposedly spurred with the release and promotion of an anti-Islamic video.  As you can see by some of the photos below turmoil was everywhere.

What do you see in these photos?  What do you think of the actions and reasoning these people display?  Do you know what I see?  I see fools with little understanding but great amounts of ignorance, stupidity and lack of any true moral direction.  And, that is the nice version.  How can I dare speak of them and their religion in such a manner?

First, there is no race, nationality or religion involved in my assessment.  Two, I don't believe in any religion that would support such actions....and that includes any form of Christian religion..  Do not get me wrong, I do have my beliefs, but they do not follow the confines of an organized religion that is based more on social standards and economics than any kind of spiritual advancement.. There is good and bad.  There is right and wrong.  Pure and simple.  What you see in these photos is wrong.  Deep down these people know this to be true, but their frustrations and the urgings of false leaders makes them do these atrocities, atrocities that leaves innocent people dead.

Do not spout the political wrong-doings of  western countries as a reason for the commission of violence.  It is an incentive to achieve some sort of balance and "rightness" in the world.  Mob protests and violence will not get this done.  Does America do wrong?  Yes, it does.  Do Americans as a whole mean to inflict harm to these people.  No, I don't think so.Although we do have a great many who are blinded by the non-truths fed to them on a daily basis.

I have this saying:  No matter all the planning and execution by politicians, religious leaders, zealots, terrorists and extremists...they all forget to take into account one thing...ME. I urge you to follow this example.

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