Monday, June 27, 2011

Voyager Pushes Boundary of Interstellar Space

Voyager Pushes Boundary of Interstellar Space

To go where no man has gone before. It is the ultimate quest and the grandest of dreams. Reaching into the realm of interstellar space is such a dream. Let us pray it does not become a nightmare.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Day Without the Internet - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

A Day Without the Internet

A day without internet service seems like an impossibility to some. After all, who does not possess the capabability of getting at the World Wide Web? In this glorious year of 2011 has society not developed to the point that global communications represent in real time a birthright to all who live and breathe upon this planet? Apparently the answer is "No". 
It is alleged that the future of human beings is dependent upon his dependance upon technology. Technology will catapult us into a unprecedented domain of existence. In that location will be more benevolent living conditions, improved living accommodations, many more lines of work and expanded wealth. Hunger and illness will constitute a matter from the past, long disregarded with additional affairs at one time prevalent in our society. Internet service will be equally common as the blood that flows within our veins. It will constitute the selfsame lifeblood of all existence on earth linking every living organism and man made entity. 
And so it is alleged, but will it be? If today is any indication of the answer, then the answer is another resounding "No". In today's world, anything and everything is accessible, but solely for the ones who can afford to pay for their needs and wants. If one of the millions who languish in the lower-ranking income echelons of society were to desire more, they would simply be out of luck. Even in the promise land of the United States of America where opportunity is purported to be available to all, only a very few will chance upon what they require or what they desire. Millions nowadays experience no connection to the rest of the human race because they live day-after-day without an internet service. 
A day without internet service is like an act of terrorism to most of us. For countless millions that endure life each day without internet service it constitutes an existence ill-fated to be unconnected from the living, cast into the very depths of a hell on earth undreamed of by most, alone and forgotten for infinity merely because they possess no internet service.
Can we even imagine?

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