Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Drinking and Driving

Drinking and driving is known to be the cause of many deaths in America and the world over. Many of us have no sympathy for those who drink and drive such as those from M.A.D.D. (Mothers against drunk drivers). But sometimes the view of the socially inept can become distorted and appear quite comical under the influence of alcohol. Still, make no exceptions, it is a social distortion to think that it is good to be caught drinking and driving.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Freedom: The M.I.A.

Freedom is a fight that is being fought every day in this world, on one front or another. Society is imposing the parameters as we live and breathe each day. America is not free from this ordeal. Some might say that America has found new ways to exact such a world. The following video was one I ran across by accident but it does portray the possibilities in its own crude way.

M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.
www.miauk.com www.neetrecordings.com

Director : Romain Gavras
Director of Photography : André Chemetoff
Producer : Mourad Belkeddar
Production company : www.elnino.tv
Executive Production : Gaetan Rousseau / Paradoxal
Special thanks to Lana & Melissa from The Director's Bureau

Star Legacy Brass Urn with Velvet Bag, Wings of Freedom, Adult/Large

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Domino Effect of Freedom

The need for freedom creates the Domino Effect as being felt around the world.  Already Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Libya have felt the effect.  Which domino will fall next?  Logic will dictate the answer.  The Logic is...what it is...the Domino Effect.

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