Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jerome and Brenda Lewis. who have been without...Image by AFP/Getty Images via Daylife

Somebody was talking to me the other day about the health insurance problem in America. Most Americans are without insurance because either their employer does not offer paid insurance or they cannot afford coverage as an independent contractor, self employed or unemployed individual.

An idea was pushed into our conversation that the government should pay for health insurance for all Americans. Well, let me tell you, I did not like this idea (except for the free part). From what I see as an individual citizen, a lot of scenarios would be better as long as the government is not in control. It seems that they screw up enough programs as it is. Why would we want more government inefficiency and financial waste than already exists?

No, my opinion is that at the present, I do not get enough bang for the buck when it comes to the taxes I pay. Big business cheats me enough. Big government would leave me destitute. We must fix our health care system but on our level and on our terms. There are ways to accomplish this if we really apply ourselves.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today is the day that mothers all across the country have been waiting to enjoy. The thrill of receiving chocolate candy and a beautiful bouquet of flowers is a thrill that never gets old. Why? Because all parents need to know that their children, whether young or old, still appreciate and love them.

My hope is that today you will attempt to make your mother a happy person. Try cooking her breakfast in bed or maybe working her garden with her. Maybe just spending time watching a good movie with a little popcorn and soda to boot.

Most of all. spend some time talking with her. Let her remember the good times of life. Sometimes the memories seem trite and boring. For a mother in her senior years, those memories are her biggest and most prized possessions. Try to give her one more good memory to keep in her heart.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mama's Hibiscus

I just wanted to post a picture of my Mama's red hibiscus flowers. It is the first picture I took with one of those miniature digital cameras that cost $7.99. It came out rather well. Soon to come will be the gold hibiscus, but, it is a much smaller plant. This is what an elderly person can accomplish in her spare time.

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