It seems that my view of life in this world is a mere social distortion of the false image I have believed in for so long.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
American dream:Health
Monday, September 28, 2009
American Dream: a familiar scene

During the 1970's I used to visit the streets of Houston, Texas at night to see for myself just what they were like. Many times I was startled by the sudden movement of someone residing behind or under a bench or trash can. Many people don't believe this is real and others just cannot understand the how or why of it all. Mr. Dprince knows.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
American dream scenario?
I saw this photo and thought I recognized the person sifting through the trash. Is this the American dream revisited?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cometbird browser rises to the top
Speed dial will allow more than the normal 9 pages links offered by the Opera browser. Cooliris offers searching the web visually and is quick and easy to use and actually exciting. The only thing I see that slows down the browser is if you add too many add ons to the browser, especially tool bars
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Live Writer is easy to use.
Currently I use tools to insert hyperlinks,pictures, photo albums,tables, maps, tags, videos and more. Everyone should give it a try.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Juneteenth almost forgotten
Image via Wikipedia
I saw this picture quite by accident and realized that I had forgotten about this celebration for the black American community.
Though I am not of the same racial persuasion, I too must celebrate the Juneteenth holiday because it is at the heart of what our country stands for. All Americans should join in unity for the freedom of all people in all corners of the world.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Image by AFP/Getty Images via Daylife
An idea was pushed into our conversation that the government should pay for health insurance for all Americans. Well, let me tell you, I did not like this idea (except for the free part). From what I see as an individual citizen, a lot of scenarios would be better as long as the government is not in control. It seems that they screw up enough programs as it is. Why would we want more government inefficiency and financial waste than already exists?
No, my opinion is that at the present, I do not get enough bang for the buck when it comes to the taxes I pay. Big business cheats me enough. Big government would leave me destitute. We must fix our health care system but on our level and on our terms. There are ways to accomplish this if we really apply ourselves.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Today is the day that mothers all across the country have been waiting to enjoy. The thrill of receiving chocolate candy and a beautiful bouquet of flowers is a thrill that never gets old. Why? Because all parents need to know that their children, whether young or old, still appreciate and love them.
My hope is that today you will attempt to make your mother a happy person. Try cooking her breakfast in bed or maybe working her garden with her. Maybe just spending time watching a good movie with a little popcorn and soda to boot.
Most of all. spend some time talking with her. Let her remember the good times of life. Sometimes the memories seem trite and boring. For a mother in her senior years, those memories are her biggest and most prized possessions. Try to give her one more good memory to keep in her heart.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Mama's Hibiscus
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
MLM...Try to Understand
Over the past 20 years or so I continued to read article after article about the negatives of multi-level marketing programs. Not even President Bush got slammed as much.
The truth is that mlm is a very viable way to increase income because it employs all the basic business principles. The problem is not the idea of mlm but rather the program that uses mlm and how they demand you use it. Control is a key factor in all things. As long as your actions are controlled then the business is the only one truly benefiting.
I had the fortune of being in Amway twice. I had a great time but was restricted as to what I could do on my own. I never really understood the business principles until a few years ago. I would join again if they would cut the hype and mind control.
Without getting into details let me say that a matrix works, levels are viable and low costs are a definite. But, there must be selling and profit or it doesn't work!
Remember, to every problem there is a solution...or at least a way around it.
Renters Beware
The Houston, Texas areas have been experiencing higher than normal rates for home evictions of renters falling behind on their rent.
Recently ABC News affiliate channel 13 aired news of one such eviction, What made it different was that they were not much behind coupled with the landlord actually locking them out without any due process or notice. This landlord also confiscated all their belongings including Christmas presents.
Having helped with evictions, I have some knowledge of what is allowable and these acts certainly are not acceptable. I can only hope the renters sue for breach of contract and losses with added damages and suffering. In this area the renter must be notified in writing and then taken to court where a judgment is made. Then a notice is handed by the local authorities to the renter allowing a set amount of time to pack up and leave
Then, should they not leave the premises, the authorities may evict them by force and allow the landlord to lock them out after they have removed all possesions they wish to take at that moment, The remainder of items must be placed outside on the street where the renter can either take them or allow others to take what they want or the landlord can haul to the dump.
Some people try to move their stuff next door with friends but they must remember that by contract they cannot live there. Landlords have the right to file a warrant of trespass where the delinquent renter cannot be seen on their property, even to visit a friend without cause for arrest.
No one wants to see an eviction. But, landlords must realize that even delinquent renters have some rights and among those rights is due process.